We believe that the magic of tango - and the key to its longevity - lies in the diversity of its expressions.
Tango is danced in many different ways and in a remarkable variety of spaces in Buenos Aires, the city of its birth. The music to which we dance tango is also growing increasingly rich, with new recordings, arrangements and compositions becoming more and more common, even as we also keep dancing to all of our beloved tracks from the Golden Age.
Our tour is unique because it shows you the full range of expressions that make up tango today.
Our group will attend milongas ranging from the most elegant and historic to the newest and most experimental. We'll hear DJed and live music ranging from pure Golden Age to brand-new compositions, arrangements and recordings. And we'll experience everything from typical 10-person tango orchestras with singers, to guitar & bandoneon duos, playing barefoot in the grass.
This tour gives you the chance not only to enjoy and celebrate tango's richness, but to support the cutting edge in tango today.

The tour price includes:
Airport transfers (if you arrive on the tour start and finish days)
Accommodation (double occupancy) in the beautiful Oasis Tango Guest House
All milongas & concerts
Five 1.5-hour workshops with world-renowned maestros, organized specifically for our group
All group excursions, including a magical day of music, river, food and friends at "Casa Azul," in Tigre
A welcome & goodbye dinner, and certain other meals. Guests pay for most meals themselves.
Oasis Tango Guest House
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Tour Base Cost
February 1-10, 2025 (9 Nights)
Early bird EXTENDED through December 25: $3,100
After December 25: $3,300
Payment Schedule
A deposit of $700 holds your place and locks in your price. Deposits may be sent by check to Milonga Tours, 2030 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19125. Or by venmo (last 4 digits of phone: 3798, if venmo asks for them.
Full payment must be received at least 30 days prior to the tour start.
Most people choose to engage a "taxi dancer." Our taxi dancers are professional dancers with significant teaching and performing experience.
24 hours working with a taxi dancer (all classes, plus 2 hours per milonga): $650
We are constantly changing partners, so you will get to dance with many great taxi dancers, not just one dedicated dancer.
Single occupancy lodging: $300 (may be more depending on how late you register)
Cancellation Policy
Funds paid are 100% transferable to a future tour minus a 10% cancellation fee. We regret that we are unable to offer refunds.